.. _Concat: Concat transformation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description ^^^^^^^^^^^ The transformation Concat concatenates the input arrays into single output array. Inputs ^^^^^^ 1) ``prediction.input1`` — array :math:`A_1` of size :math:`N`. 2) ``prediction.input2`` — array :math:`A_2` of size :math:`M`. 3) etc. New inputs are added via method ``append()``. Outputs ^^^^^^^ 1) ``prediction.prediction`` — array :math:`A`, filled with concatenation result :math:`A=\{A_1, A_2, \dotsc\}` of size :math:`N+M+\dots` Implementation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For given input arrays :math:`A_1`, :math:`A_2`, etc the output array is: .. math:: A = \{(A_1)_1, \dotsc, (A_1)_N,(A_2)_1, \dotsc, (A_2)_M, \dots\} Any multidimensional input array is unwrapped into array using Column-major notation (like Fortran): .. math:: A_{ij} \rightarrow \{ A_{11}, A_{21}, \dotsc, A_{12}, A_{22}, \dotsc\}, in other words the slices are taken for each column.