
Let’s try to do some example from scratch.

Let’s assume we have a very simple observable of event counts N: constant background \(b\) plus signal with strength \(\mu\), which is Gaussian-shaped peak at \(E_0\) with width \(w\). This is just random example without any physical background. The formula is

\[\frac{d N}{d E} = b + \mu \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi w}}\exp{\frac{-(E-E_0)^2}{2w^2}}\]

How can we implement this in the code? There are actually different ways, it’s up to you which one to chose. The most simple and concise, is to implement all the calculations in single GNAObject:

 1#pragma once
 3#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
 4#include <cmath>
 6#include "GNAObject.hh"
 8class GaussianPeakWithBackground: public GNAObject,
 9                                  public TransformationBind<GaussianPeakWithBackground> {
11  GaussianPeakWithBackground() {
12    variable_(&m_b, "BackgroundRate");
13    variable_(&m_mu, "Mu");
14    variable_(&m_E0, "E0");
15    variable_(&m_w, "Width");
17    transformation_("rate")
18      .input("E")
19      .output("rate")
20      .types(Atypes::pass<0,0>)
21      .func(&GaussianPeakWithBackground::calcRate)
22      ;
23  }
25  void calcRate(Args args, Rets rets) {
26    const double pi = boost::math::constants::pi<double>();
27    const auto &E = args[0].arr;
28    rets[0].arr = m_b + m_mu*(1./std::sqrt(2*pi*m_w))*(-(E-m_E0).square()/(2*m_w*m_w)).exp();
29  }
31  variable<double> m_b, m_mu, m_E0, m_w;

Everything is in one header file, just for consciousness. The code itself is hopefully understandable, but anyway, let’s go line by line.

All the computation code goes to one class that should be derived from GNAObject. First of all, you’ll need to include GNAObject.hh if you want to use it. You also need to derive from TransformationBind<your-class-name> to make things work properly.

In our class constructor, we define the variables which we are going to use in our computations. The syntax is simple: variable_(pointer-to-variable, name). The actual variables may be actually stored anywhere, but they shouldn’t be shared across different instances, so it’s natural to make them class members. We have four variables, and all of them are defined.

Then we need to define our transformation. The definition is more complicated, so the syntax. The lines 18-23 are actually one statement of chained member calls, separated by newline for clarity. The first line is simple, just transformation_(this, name). Always pass this as the first argument. Then input definition goes, it’s just .input(name), there may be any number of them, but the order is important, as you’ll see later. The same with the outputs.

Then the types function comes with such syntax: .types(func1[, func2, ...). All the functions should check if the actual input types are acceptable and construct the output types based on them. You can provide any class member function with signature void T::func(Atypes args, Rtypes rets) or usual std::function (for example, a lambda) with signature void func(T obj, Atypes args, Rtypes rets), where T is your class name. Here we use the predefined Atypes::pass<I,J> function which just assigns the type of I-th input to J-th output (check that in core/transformation/Atypes.hh).

Finally, the function which does all the calculation is specified with .func(func), there can be only one of them and it should have have signature void T::func(Args args, Rets rets) or void func(T obj, Rets args, Rets rets). Here we used the first possibility and as you can see in the first line, the calcRate member function does really implement our formula. A few notes on Args and Rets. They both provide indexed (zero-based) access to the data of corresponding inputs and outputs, in the same order as in the transformation definition. We have only one input, and one output, hence args[0] and rets[0] make sense.

Each object returned by Args or Rets is a Data object: a shapeless buffer of double plus DataType type descriptor (check core/Data.hh). It’s up to you how to deal with that data, you can either read/write to the buffer directly or use convenient interface provided by the Eigen library and treat the buffer like one or two dimensional array with coefficient-wise operations in numpy-style (Data::arr and Data::arr2d objects), or treat them like vector or matrix and use linear algebra operations (Data::vec and Data::mat). It’s often convenient to make aliases with the corresponding references, as we did with E. There are almost no shape checks in runtime, so please check everything carefully in the types function. As for variable<double>, you can treat it just like double in most cases. If implicit unboxing is not possible, you can always do it with variable<double>::value().

To make that code usable you need:

  • put it somewhere in the source tree (for example, let’s create examples/ directory, and put the code in the examples/GaussianPeakWithBackground.hh file);

  • modify the CMakeLists.txt: if we would have any C++ source files, we would add it to SOURCES list; since we have only header, we add only header to the HEADERS list;

  • add new directory examples/ to the include_directories;

  • modify core/LinkDef.h adding the following line::

    #pragma link C++ class GaussianPeakWithBackground-;

  • recompile: make -C build.

To actually use the computational module we have to create a Python initialization code. Here is a possible way to do it:

 1from gna.ui import basecmd
 2from gna.env import env
 3import ROOT
 4import numpy as np
 6class cmd(basecmd):
 7    @classmethod
 8    def initparser(cls, parser, env):
 9        parser.add_argument('--name', required=True)
10        parser.add_argument('--Emin', default=0, type=float)
11        parser.add_argument('--Emax', default=5, type=float)
12        parser.add_argument('--nbins', default=20, type=int)
13        parser.add_argument('--order', default=5)
15    def init(self):
16        ns = env.ns(self.opts.name)
17        ns.reqparameter('BackgroundRate', central=1, sigma=0.1)
18        ns.reqparameter('Mu', central=0, sigma=1)
19        ns.reqparameter('E0', central=1, sigma=0.05)
20        ns.reqparameter('Width', central=0.2, sigma=0.005)
21        with ns:
22            model = ROOT.GaussianPeakWithBackground()
24        edges = np.linspace(self.opts.Emin, self.opts.Emax, self.opts.nbins+1)
25        orders = np.array([self.opts.order]*(len(edges)-1), dtype=int)
27        integrator = ROOT.GaussLegendre(edges, orders, len(orders))
28        model.rate.E(integrator.points.x)
29        hist = ROOT.GaussLegendreHist(integrator)
30        hist.hist.f(model.rate.rate)
32        ns.addobservable('spectrum', hist.hist)

First of all, there are few imports: we need basecmd to make code executable, as the dispatch.py requires; env to have access to the shared state (we need it for example to handle parameters, which may be shared between different models); ROOT to have all our compiled parts accessible and np for the initialization-time computations.

We create class cmd derived from basecmd. The cmd name is fixed and should be used in each gna module. The common way to define arguments for our module is to use the initparser class method. It passes the ArgumentParser object of the standard argparse as parser and an env object. It’s actually the same as global env imported from (gna.env) and may be ignored. Five arguments are defined:

  • --name to provide an unique identifier for the theoretical prediction results that will be initialized in the module, it is used later in other modules to get access to the prediction;

  • --Emin, --Emax and --bins to specify the binning properties of output histogram;

  • --order to specify integration order. Gauss-Legendre algorithm is used to integrate rate into bins of the histogram and the specified number of points will be used in each bin.

The actual code to initialize the prediction is in the init method. The result of arguments parsing (again, just standard argparse) is in self.opts. There we initialize a namespace (commonly abbreviated as ns) with the name provided by --name. All the experiment-specific parameters and outputs should be placed there. The parameters are initialized in lines 17-20, and ns.reqparameter method is used. This method searches for already defined parameter with the specified name in currently available namespaces, and in case it isn’t found, creates it in the namespace ns according to the provided kwargs. So, if some of that parameters were already created by other module and the corresponding namespace is explicitly activated, those parameters will be reused. This makes possible to share parameters between different experiments.

Then we activate the created namespace (line 21) for a moment to create our GaussianPeakWithBackground computational block. All variables in it will be bound, and the previous reqparameter calls ensure that all the required names will be available during the binding procedure.

In lines 24-25 the edges of the histogram are computed, and array of integration orders is filled. We use the same order for all bins for simplicity.

To actually fill the histogram, two more computational blocks are required. They all correspond to integration process. As for now, only Gauss-Legendre integration is implemented, so we’ll use GaussLegendre and GaussLegendreHist objects – the former provides points where the integrand should be computed, and sums the result with the corresponding Gauss-Legendre weights. They are also implemented in terms of transformations, so GaussLegendre provides transformation points with no inputs and one output x, while GaussLegendreHist provides transformation hist with one input f and output hist. To access them, the following syntax is used:

  • object.name returns transformation name of object. Alternatively, object.transformations dict-like object may be used, for example, to iterate the transformation;

  • transformation.name will give access to input or output named name of the transformation. If there is input and output with the same name, it will raise an exception. In this case more qualified access is required: transformation.inputs.name or transformation.outputs.name. Again, inputs and outputs are dict-like objects and may be used for iteration.

It worth noting, that the mentioned dict-like objects allow also index-based and attribute-based access.

Those accessors are generally used to connect input and outputs:

  • the basic syntax is just __call__: inp(out) will make out source of values for inp. Alternatively, you can write inp.connect(out).

  • as a shorthand, as out you can pass not only object returned by obj.transformation.outputs.name but any single-outputed object: obj.transformation.outputs or obj.transformation if the transformation has only one output, or even obj itself it is explicitly derived from GNASingleObject and its transformation has only one output.

  • another shorthand is to connect all inputs of transformation1 to outputs of transformation2: transformation1.inputs(transformation2). The count of inputs/outputs should be the same. Only order is important, no name checking is performed.

That’s what is used in lines 28 and 30 – points from integrator are passed to the rate calculator (output integrator.points.x is connected to input model.rate.E), and the calculated rate is passed for summation into histogram (output model.rate.rate is connected to input hist.hist.f).

The final output of our computations is stored into namespace as an observable. The function ns.addobservable will check, if there is no free inputs in the whole subgraph, leading to the provided output and will make it accessible for future use under the given name inside the namespace ns.

As an example try to implement the exponential background distribution with a Gaussian peak.