Reference guide


class gparser.GParser(validation: bool = True, lib: Optional[str] = None, patternmatcher: Optional[gpatternmatcher.GPatternMatcher] = None, graphbuilder: Optional[ggraphbuilder.GGraphBuilder] = None, graphtype: Literal['GDGraph', 'GAGraph'] = 'GDGraph', databuilder: Optional[gdatabuilder.GDataBuilder] = None, grammar: Optional[Union[lark.load_grammar.Grammar, str, IO[str]]] = None, parser: Literal['earley', 'lalr', 'cyk', 'auto'] = 'lalr', lexer: Union[Type[lark.lexer.Lexer], Literal['auto', 'standard', 'contextual', 'dynamic', 'dynamic_complete']] = 'contextual', start: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = 'sequence', cache: Union[bool, str] = '.lark-cache', debug: bool = False)

The GParser class, inherited from lark.Lark

  • validation – If True, run indices validation after parsing

  • lib – The patternlibrary for the Pattern Matching. (see GPatternMatcher.lib). Default: None

  • patternmatcher (GPatternMatcher) – The Pattern Matching class. If None, using GPatternMatcher. Default: None

  • graphbuilder (GGraphBuilder) – The graph builder class. If None, using GGraphBuilder. Default: None

  • databuilder (GDataBuilder) – The data builder class. If None, using GDataBuilder. Default: None

  • grammar – The grammar file. Default: grammar.lark

  • parser – The parser algorithm. Default: lalr

  • lexer – The lexer. Default: contextual

  • start – The start point to the parsing. Default: sequence

  • cache – With cache parsing is x2~x3 faster! Default: True

  • debug – The debug option. Default: False

build_data(data: Union[List, Tuple, gtree.GTree, str], **kwargs) Union[List, gdata.GData]

Builds GData from the data and returns the result


data – The data to the graph building. May be GTree, list[GTree] or raw data, from that GTree will be parsed.


The builded List[GData]

build_graph(data: Union[List, Tuple, gtree.GTree], pattern_matching: bool = False, **kwargs) Optional[Union[List, Tuple, gagraph.GAGraph, gdgraph.GDGraph, gdgraph.GDGraphHelper]]

Builds GAGraph or GDGraph from the data and returns the result

  • data – The data to the graph building. May be GTree, list[GTree] or raw data, from that GTree will be parsed.

  • pattern_matching (bool) – If True makes Pattern Matching from lib or self.lib (is setted and lib arg is None). Default: False


The builded GAGraph or GDGraph

convert(data: lark.tree.Tree) gtree.GTree
convert(data: lark.lexer.Token) gtree.GToken
convert(data: Any) Any

Convers data to the GTree or GToken

property databuilder: gdatabuilder.GDataBuilder

The self._databuilder getter

property graphbuilder: ggraphbuilder.GGraphBuilder

The self._graphbuilder getter

match(data: Union[List, Tuple, gdgraph.GDGraph, gdgraph.GDGraphHelper], lib: Optional[str] = None) Union[List, Tuple, gdgraph.GDGraph, gdgraph.GDGraphHelper]

Makes Pattern Matching for the data and returns the result

  • data – The data to Pattern Matching. May be GTree, list[GTree] or raw data, from that GTree will be parsed.

  • lib – The pattern patternlibrary. If None using from GParser.__init__. Default: None


The Pattern Matched GTree

parse(text: str, start: Optional[str] = None, on_error: Optional[Callable] = None, make_identifiers: bool = True, reset_counts: bool = True) Union[gtree.GTree, List, Tuple]

Reimplemented lark.tree.Tree.parse method

  • text (str) – Text to be parsed

  • start (str) – Required if GParser was given multiple possible start symbols (using the start option). Default: None

  • on_error (function) – If provided, will be called on UnexpectedToken error. Return True to resume parsing. Default: None

  • make_identifiers (bool) – If True makes unique identifiers for all the parts of this GTree (see GTree.make_identifiers). Default: True

  • reset_counts (bool) – If True resets the counts for the making identifiers (see GTree.reset_counts). Default: True


Returns parsed GTree

pattern_matching(data: Union[List, Tuple, gdgraph.GDGraph, gdgraph.GDGraphHelper], lib: Optional[str] = None) Union[List, Tuple, gdgraph.GDGraph, gdgraph.GDGraphHelper]

Makes Pattern Matching for the data and returns the result

  • data – The data to Pattern Matching. May be GTree, list[GTree] or raw data, from that GTree will be parsed.

  • lib – The pattern patternlibrary. If None using from GParser.__init__. Default: None


The Pattern Matched GTree

property patternmatcher: gpatternmatcher.GPatternMatcher

The self._patternmatcher getter

tree_to_file(data: Union[gtree.GTree, lark.tree.Tree], filename: str, rankdir: Literal['TB', 'LR', 'BT', 'RL'] = 'LR', **kwargs) None

Saves the data to filename

  • dataGTree or lark.tree.Tree to saving

  • filename (str) – The filename to saving

  • rankdir (str) – Possible values are “TB”, “LR” (default), “BT”, “RL”, corresponding to directed graphs drawn from top to bottom, from left to right, from bottom to top, and from right to left, respectively.

  • kwargskwargs can be any graph attribute (e.g. dpi=200). For a list of possible attributes, see


class gpatternmatcher.GPatternMatcher(parsemethod: Optional[Callable] = None, datamethod: Optional[Callable] = None, lib: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False, **kwargs)

The GPatternMatcher class

Designed for the Pattern Matching, in other words, to search the library for special rules for replacing any constructs in the tree, thereby simplifying the tree.

Use match-method for the Pattern Matching.

  • parser – The parser class, that provides parse-method

  • lib – The library with patterns


Now supports only YAML libraries! Example:

    expr: "DSL @ Expression * to + Pattern - Matching"
    label: "label"
build_pgraphs() list

Builds the list of the patterns GDGraph`s `GPatternMatcher.pgraphs

property lib: Optional[str]

The library with patterns

match(graph: Union[gdgraph.GDGraph, gdgraph.GDGraphHelper]) Union[gdgraph.GDGraph, gdgraph.GDGraphHelper]

Find patterns in the lib and match corresponding object in the tree


tree – The graph to pattern matching

read_patterns(lib: Optional[str] = None) dict

Reads the patterns from lib and returns as dict


lib – The library with patterns


Now supports only YAML libraries!


class ggraphbuilder.GGraphBuilder(databuilder: Optional[gdatabuilder.GDataBuilder] = None, graphtype: Literal['GDGraph', 'GAGraph'] = 'GDGraph', debug: bool = False)

The GGraphBuilder class

Designed for the building of GDGraphHelper or GAGraph from GTree, GData or Sequence[GData]

  • databuilder – The GData builder class. If None, use a new instance of GDataBuilder. Default: None

  • graphtype – The type of the graph: GDGraph or GAGraph

  • debug – The debug option

abuild(data: Union[gtree.GTree, gdata.GData, Sequence], orig: Optional[gagraph.GAGraph] = None, **kwargs) gagraph.GAGraph

Builds GAGraph from GTree or GData

  • data – The data from which the GAGraph will be collected. May be GTree, GData or Sequence.

  • orig – If orig is GAGraph, starting from the graph and modifying it while the building graph from data. Else create a new instance of GAGraph. Default: None

property databuilder: gdatabuilder.GDataBuilder

The class to build GData objects

dbuild(_data: Union[gtree.GTree, gdata.GData, Sequence], orig: Optional[gdgraph.GDGraph] = None, **kwargs) Optional[gdgraph.GDGraph]

Builds GDGraph from GTree or GData

  • data – The data from which the GDGraph will be collected. May be GTree, GData or Sequence.

  • orig – If orig is GDGraph, starting from the graph and modifying it while the building graph from data. Else create a new instance of GDGraph. Default: None

property debug: bool

If True do not collapse extra nodes

property graphtype: str

If True do not collapse extra nodes

togagraph(gdgraph: Union[gdgraph.GDGraph, gdgraph.GDGraphHelper], **kwargs) gagraph.GAGraph

Converts GDGraph or GDGraphHelper to GAGraph


class gdatabuilder.GDataBuilder(validation: bool = False, debug: bool = False)

The GDataBuilder class

Designed for the building of GData from GTree or list[GTree].

Use build for the building GData from GTree.


debug – If True do not collapse extra nodes. Default: False

build(tree: Union[gtree.GTree, List, Tuple], assignments: Optional[Dict[str, gdata.GData]] = None, instances: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, **kwargs) Union[gdata.GData, List[gdata.GData]]

Building GData or List[GData] from GTree or List[GTree]

property debug: bool

If True do not collapse extra nodes

property validation: bool

If True call the validation procedure after a parsing


class gagraph.GAGraph(thing=None, filename=None, data=None, string=None, handle=None, name='', strict=True, directed=False, **attr)

Inherited class from pygraphviz.AGraph

Reimplemented to work with GData class

add_edge(u: Union[gdata.GData, Tuple[gdata.GData, gdata.GData], Any], v: Optional[gdata.GData] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, **attr) pygraphviz.agraph.Edge

Adding edge between nodes to the graph

Reimplemented for the work with GData-class

add_node(data: Any = 1, **attr) pygraphviz.agraph.Node

Adding node to the graph

Reimplemented for the work with GData-class


class gdata.GData(orig: Optional[Dict] = None)

The GData class

The class is like a python dict:

  • name (str);

  • sname (str);

  • type (str);

  • namespace (str);

  • label (dict):

    • default (str);

    • ... (str);

  • instance (int);

  • arguments (list);

  • indices (dict):

    • explicit (list);

    • implicit (list);

    • reduction (list).

sname <-> storage name .uname() <-> unique name


orig – Initialization data (GData, dict, str). Default: None

argnames() list

Returns the arguments list without instances, for example, Transf_1 -> Transf, Object_1_2_3 -> Object_1_2

copy() gdata.GData

Returns a copy of the object

classmethod from_str(data: str) gdata.GData

Build the GData object from string

set_sname(val: Optional[str] = None) None

Sets the storage name sname

uname() str

If type is transformation returns name_instance-string, else returns name


class gdgraph.GDGraph(name: str, data: Any, children: List[GDGraph] = [])

The light graph class. The main idea is an absence of nodes and self-similarity, i.e. the children (like nodes, but it would be more correct to say the inner layers) are GDGraph`s as the head layer. Any `GDGraph instance contains the name (usual the same as data[“name”]), the data field (see GData class) and children. Supports some kind of caching (see GDMeta class), contains a pretty print method, a dict representation, shape and depth methods. It is possible to get a graph by the name or list of graphs at the some layer via the get method or using brackets []. The class does not contain any graphical representation, but it is possible to convert GDGraph class to GAGraph (via GGraphBuilder.togagraph method), which has the PyGraphviz features (see ggraphbuilder and gagraph modules).

  • name – The name of the graph

  • data – The data of the graph

  • children – The list of the children

asdict(include_data: bool = False) dict

Returns the dict representation of the graph


include_data – If True, includes data field, else uses only name and children fields

depth() int

Returns the depth (maximum layer number) of the graph

classmethod from_gdata(data: gdata.GData, children: Optional[Sequence[gdgraph.GDGraph]] = None) gdgraph.GDGraph

Build the class from GData

  • data – The GData object

  • children – The children (inputs, nodes) list

get(key: Union[int, str], default: Optional[Any] = None) Optional[Union[gdgraph.GDGraph, List, Any]]

Returns the graph or list of graphs by layer number or name

  • key – The layer number or name of the graph

  • default – If the graph does not contain the desired element(s), returns default value

getbylayer(layer: int) Union[gdgraph.GDGraph, List]

Returns a graph or list of graphs corresponding to the layer number. It is possible to use negative indexes to get objects from the end


layer – The layer number of the graph to find

getbyname(name: str) gdgraph.GDGraph

Returns a graph corresponding to the name


name – The name of the graph to find

isliketo(other: Any, strict_order: bool = True) bool

Checks the name and arguments of the objects

  • other – The object to compare

  • strict_order – If False do not check the children (arguments) order


Depth-first iteration. Iterates over all the subgraphs, never returning to the same subgraph twice.


Breadth-first iteration. Iterates over all the subgraphs.

objectscount() int

Returns all the count of the inner graphs, including itself

print(include_data: bool = False) None

Pretty print of the graph. The dict representation (see GDGraph.asdict) is used


include_data – If True, includes data field, else uses only name and children fields

shape() tuple

Returns the shape of the graph

todatalist() list

Returns all the GData objects: the parent data and all the data from the children

tolist() list

Returns all the GDGraph objects: the parent GDGraph and all the graphs from the children

class gdgraph.GDGraphHelper(graphs: Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Any]] = None, strict: bool = True, debug: bool = False, **kwargs)

The helper to work with GDGraph objects. Contains the list of graphs and the dict with the same graphs as values and the names as keys.

It is possible to modify graphs by the list or by the dict, but it is important to update the dict after adding new graph to the graph: using the argument bind of the add_graph and add_graphs methods (by default) or by the direct calling the bind_graphs method.

There is no edges, but every graph has children. The method add_graphs, if bind=True, collecting children by the iteration of the data[“arguments”] of the every graph. If a single graph is added using the method add_graph, and it is necessary to iterate through all the graphs and update the children, then a direct call of the bind_children method is necessary.

add_graph(data: Any, name: Optional[str] = None, children: Optional[Sequence[gdgraph.GDGraph]] = None, bind: bool = True) gdgraph.GDGraph

Adding the graph to the graph

  • data – The data of the graph

  • name – The name of the graph

  • children – The list of the children

  • bind – If True, adding the graph to the dict GDGraphHelper.graphsdict

add_graphs(graphs: Sequence[Any], bind: bool = True) None

Adding the list of the graphs

  • graphs – The graphs sequence

  • bind – If True, filling also the dict of the graphs GDGraphHelper.graphsdict and binding children

asdict(include_data: bool = False) dict

Returns the dict representation of the graph


include_data – If True, includes data field, else uses only name and children fields of a graph

bind_children() None

Collecting and adding children to all the graphs from the[“arguments”]

bind_graphs() dict

Filling the dict of the graphs graphsdict

depths() tuple

Returns the tuple of the depths of the GDGraphHelper.graphs (see GDGraph.depth)

main_graph(validate: bool = True) Optional[gdgraph.GDGraph]

Returns the deepest graph (see GDGraph.depth)

print(include_data: bool = False) None

Pretty print of the graph. The dict representation (see GDGraphHelper.asdict) is used


include_data – If True, includes data field, else uses only name and children fields of a graph

shapes() tuple

Returns the tuple of the shapes of the GDGraphHelper.graphs (see GDGraph.shape)

todatalist() List[gdata.GData]

Returns the list of the GData objects

validate(graph: gdgraph.GDGraph, recursive: bool = True) None

Check for equivalence of the children with the data[“arguments”]

validateall(recursive: bool = True) None

Validation of all the graphs


class gagraph.GAGraph(thing=None, filename=None, data=None, string=None, handle=None, name='', strict=True, directed=False, **attr)

Inherited class from pygraphviz.AGraph

Reimplemented to work with GData class

add_edge(u: Union[gdata.GData, Tuple[gdata.GData, gdata.GData], Any], v: Optional[gdata.GData] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, **attr) pygraphviz.agraph.Edge

Adding edge between nodes to the graph

Reimplemented for the work with GData-class

add_node(data: Any = 1, **attr) pygraphviz.agraph.Node

Adding node to the graph

Reimplemented for the work with GData-class