Plotting dependency graph

The dependency graph may be visualized by graphviz. The module gna.graphviz is used for it. It requires pygraphviz python module to be installed in the system.

There are two ways to get the dependency graph: via gna UI module gna.ui.graphviz or explicitly in the python script.

Using graphviz in a python script

The example from the tests/bundle/ (line 110) may be found below:

    from gna.graphviz import GNADot
    graph = GNADot( b.output_transformations[0][0] )

The module provides the only class GNADot that accepts the transformation as the only argument. The method write is used to save the graph to output/

Using graphviz as UI module

The graphviz module may be used to plot the graph for existing observable as in example:

./gna \
    -- juno --name juno_nh \
    -- graphviz juno_nh/AD1 -o output/

Plotting the .dot file

The output file may be plotted via xdot. For example:

xdot output/