Printing variables

Recursive variable list may be printed to the terminal by the gna.parameters.printer module. The print_parameters(ns) function accepts the namespace to print:

from gna.parameters.printer import print_parameters
print_parameters( env.globalns )

The example output from the tests/bundle/ (line 98):

Variables in namespace ''
  weight_nominal                =         1 │ [fixed]
  weight_pull0                  =         0 │          0±         1
  weight_pull1                  =         0 │          0±         1
  weight_pull2                  =         0 │          0±         1
  weight_pull3                  =         0 │          0±         1
  Eres_a                        =  0.014764 │   0.014764± 0.0044292 [        30%]
  Eres_b                        =    0.0869 │     0.0869±   0.02607 [        30%]
  Eres_c                        =    0.0271 │     0.0271±   0.00813 [        30%]
Variables in namespace 'AD11'
  OffdiagScale                  =         1 │          1±      0.04 [         4%]
  escale                        =         1 │          1±     0.002 [       0.2%]
Variables in namespace 'AD21'
  OffdiagScale                  =         1 │          1±      0.04 [         4%]
  escale                        =         1 │          1±     0.002 [       0.2%]
Variables in namespace 'AD31'
  OffdiagScale                  =         1 │          1±      0.04 [         4%]
  escale                        =         1 │          1±     0.002 [       0.2%]
This example prints the variables of the bundlechain_v01 bundle:
  1. Global namespace with
    1. 5 energy scale parameters: 1 fixed and 4 correction weights,

    2. 3 energy resolution parameters.

  2. Three nested namespaces for the detectors AD11, AD21 and AD31 with
    1. IAV off-diagonal scale parameter,

    2. Linear scale correction.

The following columns are printed:
  1. Variable name.

  2. Current value.

  3. Central value or [fixed].

  4. Standard deviation.

  5. Relative deviation if central value is nonzero.