10.1. Command line syntax

GNA executable ./gna is a wrapper, that expects a list of modules separated with --:

./gna -- module1 -- module2 [arg1] [arg2] -- module3 [arg1] -- ...

The arguments between two -- strings are processed within a module itself.

A list of modules may be retrieved by --list or --list-long option:

./gna --list       # prints a list of modules
./gna --list-long  # prints a list of modules with docstrings (if available)

Default GNA modules are located in independent files in ./pylib/gna/ui/

Listing available modules. Module search paths: ./pylib/gna/ui
    analysis             from ./pylib/gna/ui/analysis.pyc
    chi2                 from ./pylib/gna/ui/chi2.pyc
    contour              from ./pylib/gna/ui/contour.pyc
    covariance           from ./pylib/gna/ui/covariance.pyc

The module search path may be modified by extending pkgpaths option of gnacfg.py. It is done in a similar way to the bundlepaths from bundles tutorial.

Each GNA module when executed receives environment (gna.env.env) instance which is used as a common namespace for parameters, evaluables, observables and others.

Each module defines its own arguments parser with --help command defined. For example the command

./gna -- plot-spectrum --help

will print the help for the arguments of the module plot-spectrum. The module itself may be found in pylib/gna/ui/plot_spectrum.py.

usage: gna plot-spectrum [-h] [-dp DIFFERENCE_PLOT] [-p DATA]
                         [--plot-type PLOT_TYPE] [--ratio RATIO RATIO] [--scale]
                         [-l Legend] [--plot-kwargs PLOT_KWARGS] [--drawgrid] [-s]
                         [--savefig SAVEFIG] [--title TITLE [TITLE ...]]
                         [--new-figure] [--xlabel XLABEL [XLABEL ...]]
                         [--ylabel YLABEL [YLABEL ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -dp DIFFERENCE_PLOT, --difference-plot DIFFERENCE_PLOT
                        Subtract two obs, they MUST have the same binning
  -p DATA, --plot DATA



Similarly to argparse GNA is using -/_ convention. In case symbol - is find in the module name, it is replaced with _. For example ./gna – plot-spectrum will search for plot_spectrum module, not plot-spectrum.